Published Work


Lowell, A., DeCoste, C., Dalton, R., Dias, H., Martino, S., McMahon, T. J., & Suchman, N. E. (2023). Mothering from the Inside Out: Results of a community-based randomized efficacy trial testing a mentalization-based parenting intervention for mothers with addictions. Infant Mental Health Journal, 44(2), 142-165.

Lowell, A., Suchman, N. E., Byatt, N., Feinberg, E., Friedmann, P., & Peacock-Chambers, E. (2023). Parental substance use and home visiting programs: Implementation considerations for relationship-based treatment. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1-18. 

Peacock-Chambers, E., Clark, M. C., Moran, M., Lowell, A., & Zayde, A. (2023). Training home visitors in mentalization-based practice: A qualitative case study of clinical supervision in Mothering from the Inside Out. Infant Mental Health Journal, 1-16.  


Lowell, A. F., Yatziv, T., Peacock-Chambers, E., Zayde, A., DeCoste, C., Suchman, N., & McMahon, T. J. (2022). Reflective functioning in mothers with addictions: Differential relationships involving family history of mental illness and substance use. Frontiers in Psychology, 13

Peacock-Chambers, E., Buckley, D., Lowell, A., Clark, M. C., Suchman, N., Friedmann, P., Byatt, N., & Feinberg, E. (2022). Relationship-based home visiting services for families affected by substance use disorders: A qualitative study. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 


Lowell, A. F., Peacock-Chambers, E., Zayde, A., DeCoste, C. L., McMahon, T. J., & Suchman, N. E. (2021). Mothering from the Inside Out: Addressing the Intersection of Addiction, Adversity, and Attachment with Evidence-Based Parenting Intervention. Current Addiction Reports, 1-11.

Zayde, A., Kilbride, A., Kucer, A., Willis, H. A., Nikitiades, A., Alpert, J., & Gabbay, V. (2021). Connection During COVID-19: Pilot Study of a Telehealth Group Parenting Intervention. American Journal of Psychotherapy.

Zayde, A., Prout, T. A., Kilbride, A., & Kufferath-Lin, T. (2021). The Connecting and Reflecting Experience (CARE): theoretical foundation and development of mentalizing-focused parenting groups. Attachment & Human Development, 23(3), 293-309.


Suchman, N., Berg, A., Abrahams, L., Abrahams, T., Adams, A., Cowley, B., ... & Voges, J. (2020). Mothering from the Inside Out: Adapting an evidence-based intervention for high-risk mothers in the Western Cape of South Africa. Development and psychopathology, 32(1), 105-122.

Suchman, N. E., Borelli, J. L., & DeCoste, C. L. (2020). Can addiction counselors be trained to deliver Mothering from the Inside Out, a mentalization-based parenting therapy, with fidelity? Results from a community-based randomized efficacy trial. Attachment & Human Development, 22(3), 332-351.

Peacock-Chambers, E., Friedmann, P., Byatt, N., Suchman, N., & Feinberg, E. (2020). Using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis to Guide Adaptation of an Evidence-Based Parenting Program for Mothers with Substance Use Disorders. Journal of Clinical and Translational Science, 4(s1), 151-152.

Peacock-Chambers, E., Feinberg, E., Senn-McNally, M., Clark, M. C., Jurkowski, B., Suchman, N. E., ... & Friedmann, P. D. (2020). Engagement in early intervention services among mothers in recovery from opioid use disorders. Pediatrics, 145(2).


Bosk, E. A., Paris, R., Hanson, K. E., Ruisard, D., & Suchman, N. E. (2019). Innovations in child welfare interventions for caregivers with substance use disorders and their children. Children and youth services review, 101, 99-112.

Alvarez-Monjarás, M., McMahon, T. J., & Suchman, N. E. (2019). Does maternal reflective functioning mediate associations between representations of caregiving with maternal sensitivity in a high-risk sample?. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 36(1), 82.


Suchman, N. E., DeCoste, C., Borelli, J. L., & McMahon, T. J. (2018). Does improvement in maternal attachment representations predict greater maternal sensitivity, child attachment security and lower rates of relapse to substance use? A second test of Mothering from the Inside Out treatment mechanisms. Journal of substance abuse treatment, 85, 21-30.

Ordway, M., McMahon, T. J., De Las Heras Kuhn, L., & Suchman, N. E. (2018). Implementation of an evidenced‐based parenting program in a community mental health setting. Infant Mental Health Journal, 39(1), 92-105.

Suchman, N. E., & DeCoste, C. L. (2018). Substance abuse and addiction: Implications for early relationships and interventions. Zero to three, 38(5), 17.


Suchman, N. E., DeCoste, C. L., McMahon, T. J., Dalton, R., Mayes, L. C., & Borelli, J. (2017). Mothering From the Inside Out: Results of a second randomized clinical trial testing a mentalization-based intervention for mothers in addiction treatment. Development and Psychopathology, 29(2), 617-636.


Suchman, N. E., Ordway, M. R., de Las Heras, L., & McMahon, T. J. (2016). Mothering from the Inside Out: results of a pilot study testing a mentalization-based therapy for mothers enrolled in mental health services. Attachment & Human Development, 18(6), 596-617.

Suchman, N. E. (2016). Mothering from the Inside Out: A mentalization-based therapy for mothers in treatment for drug addiction. International journal of birth and parent education, 3(4), 19.


Suchman, N. E., Decoste, C., Rosenberger, P., & McMahon, T. J. (2012). Attachment‐based intervention for substance‐using mothers: A preliminary test of the proposed mechanisms of change. Infant mental health journal, 33(4), 360-371.


Suchman, N. E., Decoste, C., Mcmahon, T. J., Rounsaville, B., & Mayes, L. (2011). The mothers and toddlers program, an attachment‐based parenting intervention for substance‐using women: Results at 6‐week follow‐up in a randomized clinical pilot. Infant Mental Health Journal, 32(4), 427-449.


Suchman, N. E., DeCoste, C., Castiglioni, N., McMahon, T. J., Rounsaville, B., & Mayes, L. (2010). The Mothers and Toddlers Program, an attachment-based parenting intervention for substance using women: Post-treatment results from a randomized clinical pilot. Attachment & Human Development, 12(5), 483-504.

Suchman, N. E., DeCoste, C., Leigh, D., & Borelli, J. (2010). Reflective functioning in mothers with drug use disorders: Implications for dyadic interactions with infants and toddlers. Attachment & Human Development, 12(6), 567-585.


Suchman, N., DeCoste, C., Castiglioni, N., Legow, N., & Mayes, L. (2008). The Mothers and Toddlers Program: Preliminary findings from an attachment-based parenting intervention for substance-abusing mothers. Psychoanalytic Psychology, 25(3), 499.

Pajulo, M., Suchman, N., Kalland, M., Sinkkonen, J., Helenius, H., & Mayes, L. (2008). Role of maternal reflective ability for substance abusing mothers. Journal of Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & Health, 23(1), 13.

Suchman, N., McMahon, T., DeCoste, C., Castiglioni, N., & Luthar, S. (2008). Ego development, psychopathology, and parenting problems in substance‐abusing mothers. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 78(1), 20-28.


Suchman, N. E., Rounsaville, B., DeCoste, C., & Luthar, S. (2007). Parental control, parental warmth, and psychosocial adjustment in a sample of substance-abusing mothers and their school-aged and adolescent children. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 32(1), 1-10.

McMahon, T. J., Winkel, J. D., Suchman, N. E., & Rounsaville, B. J. (2007). Drug-abusing fathers: Patterns of pair bonding, reproduction, and paternal involvement. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 33(3), 295-302.


Suchman, N., Pajulo, M., DeCoste, C., & Mayes, L. (2006). Parenting Interventions for drug‐dependent mothers and their young children: the case for an attachment‐based approach. Family Relations, 55(2), 211-226.

Suchman, N. E., McMahon, T. J., Zhang, H., Mayes, L. C., & Luthar, S. (2006). Substance-abusing mothers and disruptions in child custody: An attachment perspective. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 30(3), 197-204.

Pajulo, M., Suchman, N., Kalland, M., & Mayes, L. (2006). Enhancing the effectiveness of residential treatment for substance abusing pregnant and parenting women: Focus on maternal reflective functioning and mother‐child relationship. Infant Mental Health Journal, 27(5), 448-465.


Suchman, N. E., McMahon, T. J., Slade, A., & Luthar, S. S. (2005). How early bonding, depression, illicit drug use, and perceived support work together to influence drug‐dependent mothers' caregiving. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 75(3), 431-445.


Suchman, N., Mayes, L., Conti, J., Slade, A., & Rounsaville, B. (2004). Rethinking parenting interventions for drug-dependent mothers: From behavior management to fostering emotional bonds. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 27(3), 179-185.

Suchman, N. E., McMahon, T. J., & Luthar, S. S. (2004). Interpersonal maladjustment as predictor of mothers’ response to a relational parenting intervention. Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 27(2), 135-143.


McMahon, T. J., Winkel, J. D., Suchman, N. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2002). Drug dependence, parenting responsibilities, and treatment history: why doesn't mom go for help?. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 65(2), 105-114.


Suchman, N. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2001). The mediating role of parenting stress in methadone-maintained mothers' parenting. Parenting: Science and Practice, 1(4), 285-315.


Suchman, N. E., & Luthar, S. S. (2000). Maternal addiction, child maladjustment and socio‐demographic risks: implications for parenting behaviors. Addiction, 95(9), 1417-1428.